Terms of Service
Terms of Service / DISCLAIMER / Privacy Notice
The information on this website is selective by nature and intent and therefore does not contain all of the aspects of the plumbing services industry that may need to be taken when considering utilizing these services. This website does not intend nor should it be construed to give you plumbing services advice to allow you to replace the services of a qualified, licensed and trained professional in these fields. The purpose of our website is to provide you with information about areas of plumbing services that may be of interest to you. This site also provides information about the knowledge, experience, and credentials of the plumbing services professionals at The Plumber Company.
The website is also intended to inform you of the variety of different services, products and applications of plumbing services that may be beneficial to you. We encourage you to seek as much advice and information as you feel necessary to make an informed decision.
Headers, Navigational Bars and Video
Headers, Navigational Bars are used for organization and navigational purposes only; they do not imply a warranty or expression of professional advice. All video used on this website is for informational, educational and advertising purposes and may not be construed or implied as providing professional advice to the untrained person or do-it-yourself individual.
All links, whether written or used via a graphic or video carry no express or implied warranty as to the use, application or suitability of the information linked to before, during or after any download of information or files of content obtained.
Privacy Notice
We collect from the traffic to this website and e-mail communications from it.